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Given that the sun will be shining this weekend, here's our top 5 things to do in early March. (obviously you'll still need to be wearing your Jileon Wellies !)

Give your lawn some TLC

Feed, weed and repair after the long winter months - if it's dry enough you could even mow it! A bit of love now will give you a lusher lawn throughout the summer - whether you're after a bowling green effect or just somewhere for the kids to run around..

Plant seeds of tender vegetables such as tomatoes and peppers inside

Any small space covered in glass can be turned into a greenhouse of sorts. Brilliant for starting sensitive vegetables off such as tomatoes and peppers. Could you make a little glass box or use a sunny porch?

Plant onion sets

A really easy job for kids to do - plant onion sets in rows about 10-15cm apart - they are an easy crop to grow.

Slugs and Snails

Slugs and Snails will be creeping around at night as the temperatures start to rise - they particularly love new shoots so make sure you're ready for them! Buy some slug pellets or try something more homemade.... Beer is a well-known attractant for slugs and snails because of the yeast it contains so make yourself a little slug and snail trap!

Tidy up borders

Clear away debris from borders, gently turn the soil and tidy up lawn edges - this is a great job for the kids to help with (and hunt for worms at the same time)

The RHS have a great website full of lots of hints and tips of what to do in early Spring.

Happy Gardening!

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